Aditi Kishore, a current University of Washington student who spent last summer will be returning to lab to continue working on the mechanisms of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. Sharan Surya, is a Khorana Scholar who will be joining us from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal and will also work on transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. Allison Weng, is a UC Berkeley student who will be joining us to work on epigenetics in Dictyostelium. Welcome back Aditi and welcome Sharan and Allison!

Aditi Kishore, Sharan Surya, and Allison Weng will join us for the summer. Welcome back Aditi and welcome Sharan and Allison!
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
Lab outing at Westport Social
Thursday, February 1st, 2024
Arif Istiaq joins the lab and Chris Roberts begins his rotation. Welcome Arif and Chris!
Tuesday, January 16th, 2024
Arif Istiaq just joined the lab after finishing his PhD at Kumamoto University in Japan in the lab of Kunimasa Ohta. Chris Roberts, a graduate student in the Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences graduate program at Wash U, begins his rotation today. Chris will be examining the role of histone mimetics in regulating tumorigenesis. Welcome to Arif and Chris!